Website navigation optimisation

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  • Some key product pages were not intuitively found through the site menu, impacting page traffic and conversions.

  • In addition, there are links and advertisements which had very little to no engagement by users.


Optimising the Information Architecture and menu navigation based on user research will help the user’s ease, accuracy, and directness of finding what they need on the website.

Research methods: 

  • Desktop research / Competitor analysis

  • Treejacking

  • Usability testing


Mapping out the navigation IA

I reviewed the current information architecture, and collaborated with Product Owners and SEO to make proposed improvements.


Conducted online via optimal workshop, we evaluated the findability of topics based on key tasks

Key finding: the proposed solution had a higher success rate and took less time to complete.


Usability testing

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Usability testing was conducted to validate the new design and uncover opportunities

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New IA

  • Removed ad banners , as it did not add value.

  • Added “Policy Documents” under each product menu, as it was frequently searched by users.

  • Brought up Comprehensive Car and Third Party Car up one level, as they are key products.

  • Brought down “other” vehicle insurance products to one level down, as they were less frequently searched for, but still logical to find.

  • Renamed “Home Insurance” to “Home & Property” for consistency, and in line with SEO advice.

  • Renamed “Business” to “Barristers” as it only covered Barristers Professional Indemnity, not other Business Insurance products.

  • Used the space for a Get a Quote CTA, as it is a core action users take on the website.

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  • Improved time and directness for users to complete key tasks.

  • The usability testing also uncovers other pain points and opportunities throughout the website, which feeds in to the optimisation strategy.


  • Over time, content in the mega menu had evolved due to various stakeholder input. We learned that clear guidelines needed to be set to ensure consistency and user value. It should also be regularly monitored to measure the impact on key metrics.


“Really love the work that you've done in the user research... The packs that you collate after are full of actionable insights which have been pivotal to the page redesigns and a few of our tests.” - Product Owner